Richard steele an Irish essayist says ‘Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body’ Reading is a complex cognitive process of decoding. Reading process requires continuous practice, development and refinement. The school library has main role for the learning and teaching process.
St.Jude’s School library has a variety of books to enhance reading habits in children. Library is housed in a spacious room in the science block. The total number of books exceeds 4000. There are sections devoted to text books and reference book autobiography, essays, English readers, Malayalam readers, G.K., I.T., Mathematics, social science, science and religious books. There are also hobby related and activity oriented books that promote self study and learning by doing’.
A spacious and well stocked library is provided to the young minds to broaden their horizons. The reading facility and the reference section has of various subjects and a good number of magazines. The school subscribes magazines , periodicals and journals.
The classes 1 to 4 practice class room reading. The library provides books to each class every year and the children read and exchange the books. The class teachers maintain the books and return it into the library. Students can borrow any book except reference books. Book reviews are written and submitted to the class teacher.
Different daily newspapers are also available in our library. We circulate Rashtra Deepika daily news for the class 5 to 12 through the class teachers with the help of Bharath Publishers. We conduct a book exhibition every year in our school main hall.
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